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The Orient Express东方快车

2012-02-27 00:00     作者 :    


Overall, train travel can be fun, if you overlook some of the little problems on a crowded train If your luggage can fit on the overhead rack securely, you dont need to listen for luggage moving overhead, and can settle down to look out the windows However, if it is an overnight trip, all you might see is your own reflection So, unless you like looking at yourself continually, it is best to sleep in comfortable overalls, and feel happy that you havent spent additional money on any overheads such as airport construction fees But, if owing to  too many drinks of water, you cant let sleep overtake you because you are overcome with an urgent need to go to the toilet, your overall progress is likely to be made difficult by people sleeping everywhere Some might have even taken temporary ownership of the toilet, or have blocked the doorway This can be a greater problem when travelling overseas, if you cant speak the language A look around the train carriage will tell you if there is likely to be enough oxygen in the air to make your sleep comfortable However, if you plan to travel overnight and expect the train to be crowded, try to end up owing no more than you can afford to pay for a comfortable sleep, unless, of course you are the millionaire owner of an overseas business, in which case, you might want to buy all of the seats in the carriage



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