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口语快线 梦想实现

2014-09-01 15:18     作者 : 陈倩    




<INTERVIEWER>Good morning Marcelo, before we start our chat today I would like to confirm one thing. 

Is it true you left Brazil in the middle of the World Cup to come to Beijing?



<MARCELO> haha yes, that is true. I was visiting my hometown, Rio de Janeiro, while the Brazilian team was still doing well in the tournament. I even had the chance of watching a game in the Maracanã stadium.It was quite an experience.



<INTERVIEWER> I am glad you made it here. Welcome to Beijing!



<MARCELO>Thank you. It’s my pleasure and honor to talk to you and your distinguished readers.



<INTERVIEWER>Let us start talking a bit about how you came to Beijing.



Your background is very unique. You grew up in Brazil, worked in investment banking in London, studied MBA at MIT in the US and founded an education startup.  What made you decide to chase your dream in China?



<MARCELO>My dream is to use my international business experience in England, knowledge acquired at MIT and techniques developed in the startup world, to make a true impact in Education.



I also love living in China.



With China’s approach to education undergoing such significant change, moving here combined my passion and desire!



<INTERVIEWER> You spent most of your career in investment banking. Why now education?



<MARCELO> My passion for education comes a long way, particularly for learning new languages.



I grew up in an English-Portuguese bilingual home in Rio de Janeiro. Both my parents can speak 5 languages and they gave me the opportunity of learning foreign languages from a very early age.

Throughout my life I acquired the ability of speaking 7 languages. Mandarin was the latest one, and the one I enjoyed learning the most.

As an ever-inquisitive student, I have always sought to experiment on myself different techniques to learning languages.





<INTERVIEWER> Still, quitting a prestigious job in a promising career is a very courageous move. How did you decide to take the leap? Were your family and friends supportive of your decision?



<MARCELO>Society hasn’t changed much it’s approach to education for centuries. I feel that technology and globalization is allowing society for the first time in history to seriously consider revolutionizing its approach to education.



A prestigious career in investment banking wasn’t attractive enough to hold me from taking part in this much larger and structural change.



Also it wasn’t a sudden decision. Since early 2011 this interest in innovative education methods flourished into almost an obsession.

By 2012 I was already applying for an MBA at MIT, where I eventually dedicated most of my two years there to developing and testing new techniques for learning foreign languages.




** The MIT experience **



<INTERVIEWER> Since you brought up your experience at MIT. Could you tell us a bit more about life on campus?



Life on MIT campus is exhilarating. The famous expression “Studying at MIT is like drinking water from a Fire Hose” is no exaggeration.

Every single day you have to make the ‘executive decision’ of which unique events you will have to miss out, since the limits of time and space don’t allow you to participate in all of them.




Examples of such activities are: Hackathons (weekends dedicated to creating new products and solutions), case competitions, consulting projects for live issues with real startups local and global, design thinking workshops, entrepreneurship labs, info-sessions with CEOs and top scientists among many others.

这些活动包括:比如说“黑客马拉松”(用几个周末的时间去开发新产品或解决方案),案例竞赛,为海内外的初创企业提供咨询意见,设计头脑风暴研讨会,创新思维实验室,会晤各企业CEO以及科学家等等。And finally, since MIT has collaboration with Harvard, this allowed me to take a course at Harvard School Graduate of Education, on the Technology and Innovation of Education.



<INTERVIEWER>This sounds like a very special experience. I am sure some of our readers are curious about how you got into MIT. Would you have any suggestions for those aspiring to be accepted by MIT?



I learned that the admissions officers are looking for innovators, creative and critical thinkers and most importantly, “doers”.

Success and failure in life are valued the same, so long as you show that you learned from either.




Character is also on the cards. Otherwise I see no explanation for having been surrounded by so many colleagues with the delightful combination of being over-achievers and an unshakable collaborative and humble personality.



And finally, achieving a GMAT score of 730 and TOEFL score of 118, also contributed to the process.



** Moving to China **



<INTERVIEWER>Thank you. Now coming back to your decision to come to China. You previously mentioned that you loved living in China. How did you discover this?



<MARCELO> Actually this discovery is closely linked to my passion for learning new languages.Just before starting my MBA, I decided to spend 5 months in China learning Mandarin.



In early 2012 I moved to Guilin. I was enchanted by the city’s natural beauty and peaceful atmosphere. I made good Chinese friends and fully immersed in Chinese language and culture.

I ate Guilin 米粉 and played badminton almost everyday.




I became obsessed with coming back to China ever since.



I suppose there is truth to the saying 桂林山水甲天下.



<INTERVIEWER>Guilin is truly a beautiful place. How do you feel about moving to Beijing?



<MARCELO> Guilin will always have a special place in my heart. But my passion is in making a difference in education. Beijing is where this transformation is taking place.



Also I was happy to discover that most Bejingers I met so far don’t carry the hurried, almost stressful, personality that I often encounter in other large cities like NewYork, Hong Kong and London.

I am truly happy with my decision to move here.




** English Express – Taking on a new challenge **

**口语快线– 接受新挑战**


<INTERVIEWER> At the moment there are many people and companies looking to enter the education space. And we all know that China is considered the ‘holy grail’ of the education markets. How do you plan to enter this, as some would say, crowded industry?



<MARCELO> This is an excellent question, and I have given it a lot of thought.



In the beginning of this year, I had the chance of meeting Professor Hu Min in Boston in person.



We soon realized we shared the same vision and passion for education.



Professor Hu Min has almost 30 years of experience in the English language education industry and is currently President of Beijing New Channel School. When he invited me to join him in the journey to transform the way Chinese students learn spoken English through the English Express course, I didn’t have to think very hard.



Combining Professor Hu Min’s great achievements and reputation, with the cutting edge methods and techniques I acquired at MIT and the startup world, we are together taking on the challenge of making English Express the new frontier of English language education -in China.


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