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首页 > 新航道头条 > SAT2390分!高分是这样炼成的!


2014-11-07 10:57     作者 :    














VIP课堂:量身规划 立竿见影










经验分享:熟记词汇 掌握方法









My name is Li Jia, and on October 11th, 2014, I took the SAT for the very first time and received a score of 2390.



Before coming to Changsha New Channel, my SAT score was around 2150, with 800 in Math, 680 in writing, and 670 in reading. But thanks to the extraordinary teaching of my tutors from New Channel, my writing score went up to 790-800, and my reading score went up to 750-800, in only 5 days (VIP 1-to-1 class). Since math has always been easy for me, I didn’t have to study for it at all.




​For me, both vocabulary and passage reading were challenges. To strengthen vocabulary, I bought an SAT vocabulary book from New Channel, which contained 5000 of the most common words on the SAT, and memorized 50 words each day over the summer. This book improved my vocabulary immensely, and I ended up getting all the vocabulary on the SAT correct.

As for passage reading, my reading instructor Yang lao shi taught me how to look for evidence in the passage instead of guessing based on intuition. That is perhaps the most valuable tip I learned at New Channel. The answer is always in the passage. At first, I thought improving passage reading meant reading more science and history books, but improving vocabulary naturally increased my understanding of the passages, and then further practice allowed me to get used to the style of questions SAT likes to ask. I would like to especially thank my reading instructor from New Channel, Yang Xiao Jun, for helping me be the best in what was once my weakest area. In fact, my reading score on the SAT was higher than my writing score, which has never happened in practice before. So thank you, Yang Xiao Jun.






Writing is much easier to learn than reading because most of it is memorization of grammar rules. Before, I just picked whatever answer sounded wrong, but my teacher at New Channel told me that the SAT can trick you that way. There is no other way to improve in the writing section but to be familiar with as many grammar rules and patterns as possible. From there, work on as many practice problems as possible to drill the rules into your mind. To me, the writing section is very important to do well on, because learning all the grammar rules vastly improved my English writing. I would like to thank my wonderful writing teacher, Zhao Jin Jin, for being able to teach me everything in only a few hours. The SAT writing section suddenly went from very hard to very, very easy.




​Overall, the training I received at New Channel improved my SAT score by almost 250 points. It was an incredible experience, and I highly recommend it for students striving to achieve high scores on the SAT.







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