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2013-12-20 16:26     供稿单位: 新航道    

出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别

China's elderly are poor, sick and depressed in alarming numbers, according to the first large-scale survey of those over 60, an immense challenge for Beijing and one of the greatest long-term vulnerabilities of the Chinese economy.



The survey of living conditions for China's 185 million elderly paints a bleak picture that defies the efforts of the government to build what it calls a 'harmonious society,' one dedicated to human welfare rather than simply economic growth. Of the generation that built China's economic boom, 22.9%─or 42.4 million─live in poverty with consumption of less than 3,200 yuan a year ($522).



The fear of being old and poor, which prompts many Chinese to stash away their earnings, also cuts against another of Beijing's priorities: to rebalance the economy toward stronger consumption.



The survey, led by Chinese and international academics, covered 17,708 individuals across 28 of China's 31 provinces and was partly funded by the Chinese government through a science foundation. While careful to credit the government with progress on expanding pension and health-care coverage, it also showed that physical disability and mental-health problems are widespread: Of those surveyed, 38.1% reported difficulty with daily activities and 40% showed high symptoms of depression.



International comparisons are made difficult by definitional issues. But rates of poverty, disability and depression in China all appear relatively high. The poverty rate for Americans aged over 65 is 8.7% according to the Census Bureau. The U.S. Health and Retirement Study found that 26% to 27% of elderly Americans had a disability, and depression rates are also markedly lower than in China.

由于定义方面的问题,难以将中国的上述调查结果与其他国家的情况做横向比较。但中国老龄人口的贫困率、残疾率和精神抑郁率似乎都处于相对较高的水平。美国人口普查局(Census Bureau)的数据显示,美国65岁以上老年人口的贫困率为8.7%。美国健康与退休研究项目(Health and Retirement Study)发现,美国26%至27%的老年人存在残疾,美国老年人的精神抑郁率也明显低于中国的水平。


John Strauss, a professor at the University of Southern California and one of the leaders of the project, pointed to China's relatively low level of development as part of the explanation for higher poverty levels there. 'We need to remember that China is still a developing economy, it is not yet a high-income country,' he said.

美国南加州大学(University of Southern California)教授施特劳斯(John Strauss)是中国上述调查项目的牵头人之一,他认为中国相对低的发达程度是造成中国老年人贫困率较高的原因之一。他说,我们需要记住,中国依然是一个发展中国家,它还不是一个高收入国家。


An aging population means the problems are compounded. The number of old people for every hundred working-age members of the population─known as the dependency ratio─will rise from 11 in 2010 to 42 in 2050, according to projections from the United Nations.



Other countries will also see a rise in the dependency ratio. But the pace of aging in China is particularly marked─a consequence of the one-child policy.



The survey finds that 88.7% of the elderly who require assistance with daily activities receive it from family members. But the one-child policy and the migration of many young people to China's cities for work threaten to erode the traditional approach of children caring for elderly parents.



China is also unique in encountering a serious problem with aging while still a poor country. 'Other countries are old and rich,' said Albert Park, a professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and another survey leader. 'China will be old at a relatively early stage in its development.'

中国还面临着独特的未富先老问题。此项调查的另一位牵头人、香港科技大学教授朴之水(Albert Park)说,其他国家是老而且富,而中国则将在尚未成为发达国家时就进入老龄化社会。


Yu Baihui is one of many who have fallen through the cracks. Aged 73, Ms. Yu lives with her husband in a dilapidated house in Rensha, a town of 31,000 on the edges of Chongqing in western China. Like many of China's impoverished elderly, she is a former farmer, too old to benefit from the booming economythat has swept the younger generation into China's factories,and passed over by a benefit system that is skewed in favor of urbanites.



'My parents don't have any pension or other allowance,' said Luo Zhengfeng─Ms. Yu's son, who works selling umbrellas and tour maps in Chongqing to support his wife, child and aging parents.



China's turbulent history also appears to have had an impact on the generation that lived through it. 'China's elderly experienced famine in the 1950s, and the disturbance of the Cultural Revolution,' said Mr. Park. 'Those early experiences leave a marked impact on physical and mental health.'



In theory, respect for elders is deeply ingrained in China's culture. Confucius, China's cultural lodestone who has enjoyed a revival in popularity as leaders search for new sources of legitimacy, advocated the honoring of all old people.



On a visit to an old people's home in Tianjin in 2009, former President Hu Jintao echoed those sentiments and set the tone for government pronouncements on China's aged. 'Respecting and caring for the elderly is not only a Chinese tradition, but also a symbol of national civilization and progress,' he said.



Mr. Hu advocated a more inclusive form of development, with expansion of public pension and health-care coverage. The results of the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study suggest those efforts haven't so far been sufficient.

胡锦涛主张的是一种更加广泛的发展形式,扩大公共养老金和医疗保险的覆盖面。中国健康与养老追踪调查(China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study)结果显示,这些努力到目前为止都还不够。


Widespread poverty in old age also undermines China's attempt to put the economy on an even keel, with lower saving and investment and higher consumption. Despite rapid increases in wages─which rose 14% last year for workers in the private sector according to official data─ households remain unwilling to spend. One reason: the need to guard against poverty in old age. 'I hope the government is stung by conscience and puts more money into pensions,' said Cecilia Wang, a 30-year-old translator at a business magazine in Beijing, 'but as they don't we have to save ourselves.'

中国老年人到了晚年普遍贫困,这一现象也破坏了中国试图以低存款、低投资和高消费来让经济保持平稳的努力。尽管工资收入迅速上涨(官方数据显示民营部门员工去年涨薪幅度达14%),但中国家庭仍不愿花钱,理由之一是要防止老来贫。北京某商业杂志30岁的翻译Cecilia Wang说,我希望政府发发善心,给养老金多拨点款;但因为他们不这么做,我们就得自己攒钱。


China has enjoyed some success in expanding the welfare system. Pension coverage for urban residents has expanded from 155 million in 2003, when Mr. Hu took over, to 304 million in 2012, according to data from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. Pension coverage for rural residents has grown even more rapidly. But the benefits provided by the expanded schemes remain inadequate in many cases. The survey shows that on average, recipients of the government's basic rural pension receive just 720 yuan a year.



More than 90% of the elderly population is now covered by health insurance, but out-of-pocket costs remain high. 'Mom had a stroke last year, and the hospital charged 18,000 yuan, but we could claim back only 1,000 yuan from insurance,' said Mr. Luo, the Chongqing umbrella seller. The 17,000 yuan in out-of-pocket costs equaled almost half of his annual income.



'China's government is aware of the problem and addressing it aggressively,' said Mr. Park. But there are few easy answers. With a growing number of elderly relying on a shrinking workforce, the existing system of care inside the family appears untenable. But more generous pension and health-care benefits risks putting a sharply increased strain on the public finances.


以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思阅读材料之中国人口老龄化怎么破,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思阅读频道 https://www.xhd.cn/ielts/yuedu/