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雅思口语话题之a childhood toy

2013-11-08 16:30     作者 :    



Wow, Ihad to think really hard to find a toy that I really loved playing with. Amongthe toys I had, ranging from Lego bricks to rubber band-powered gliders, theone that was most sentimental to me was this “War Castle” toy.


It’s atoy set consisting of plastic bricks (made to look like castle walls), thecastle itself of course, a catapult and disks you can launch with. This toy isintended for two players, with each player setting up their “camps” 2 metersaway from each other. You can stack the brick walls anyway you like in front ofthe castle and the aim is to topple your opponent’s by launching the roundeddisks using the rubber band-powered catapult. It’s no easy thing to do as youneed a few tries to gauge how much strength you put into launching the disk.But after a while, anyone can get the hang of it in a matter of minutes.


This gameis a test of accuracy and speed, and in a way, brings out the architect in youas there are countless combinations with which you protect your castle with.

My littlebrother was the only opponent I had back in those days, and I’m proud to say Ibeat him 8 out of 10 times. Great fun! You could literally play this for hoursand it never gets boring. I don’t know what happened to it eventually but thatmoment in time will always be with me…for a long time to come.

以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思口语话题之a childhood toy,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思口语频道 http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/kouyu/

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