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雅思口语话题之a good law

2013-11-08 16:31     作者 :    



Just 2 weeks ago, I saw a news article inthe papers saying something about the upcoming Food Safety Law in China. Ibelieve this law will come into force in June 2009. I don’t remember all thedetails about it, but I’ll do my best to tell you more about this law.



Firstly, why is this law being implemented?I’m sure you remember the baby milk scandal that killed 6 infants and sickened some300,000? Because of this, China’s food safety record fell to a new low. Priorto this, other food poisoning cases had caused widespread panic among people.



What if such cases were to continue toincrease? Well, all of China’s food exports will drop…in fact it already did…to such a level that no other countries would want to buy from China anymore. Now,this would be terrible for China’s economy in the long run. So I think this lawcame at a crucial time.




If I remember correctly, the penalties forbreaking this law will be very tough. In fact, 2 people were sentenced to deathfor their roles in the milk scandal. It might be harsh to some people, but Ithink this is exactly what needs to be done.


In all, it should turn out to be a goodlaw, although I must say there is still tremendous difficulty in enforcing it.China is a big country, so it will take time to bring improvement.Nevertheless, I have high hopes for this law to work as it affects our nextgeneration, be it in China or the rest of the world.

以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思口语话题之a good law,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思口语频道 http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/kouyu/

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