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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思口语 > 雅思口语part1:Cars


2020-05-09 13:46     作者 :    


         雅思口语part1往往被同学们认为是雅思口语三部分中较容易的部分。实际的确如此,part1 的难度,话题贴近生活,今天小编给大家整理了关于车的话题语料,童鞋们可以参考一下。 


  1. Do you like cars?

  Yes, I’m definitely fond of cars, especially the automobile brands. Actually I often get the chance to watch the auto show with my father at the weekends. I can learn a lot about the performance(性能) and many other things about different kinds of cars. So I can show off these stuff when communicating with my friends.

  2. Do you have a driver’s license?

  No, cause I am just a 17-year-old student, I am too young to get the driver’s license. In addition, I’ve heard from my brother that the test of the driver’s license is kinda not that easy to pass.

  Or you can say:

  No, though I am a college student, I actually have no time to prepare for the test of the driver’s license. As you know, it normally would cost people almost two or even three months to make preparation for it. To tell you the truth, I gotta so much homework and so many educational examinations to do.

  3. If you wanted to buy a car, what kind of car would you choose?

  Actually I will choose the kind of car which is well-featured, and if it got an outstanding appearance, I’d be more interested. In addition, I kinda prefer the colour of the car be red. Cause in my opinion, red means passion and youth, and I think it’s more suitable to me.

  4. What kinds of cars are popular in your country?

  Actually I don’t exactly know what kinds of cars are popular in China, but as possible as I can guess, I would tell you that SUV(sport-utility vehicle) are very prevailing in our country. Cause it’s not only very time-saving for going to work, but also very convenient and suitable to have a little trip to other cities when the whole family want to have a leisure time to travel, you know, the space is quite enough.


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