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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思写作 > 4月10日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 为什么人们不爱骑自行车了?

4月10日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 为什么人们不爱骑自行车了?

2021-04-13 13:42     作者 :    



In some countries the number of people who use bicycles as their main form of transport is decreasing even though riding bicycles has many benefits. What are the reasons? What could be done to encourage the use of bicycles.?



In some countries, especially in China, bicycles were once considered as one of the "mainstays" of transportation a few decades ago. While nowadays, there are very few people riding bicycles on the streets. This shift can be attributed to three main reasons, and if the appropriate measures are taken, people will prefer to travel by bike.


Ø 开头段可适当对过去和现在的骑行人数进行对比,然后引出原因和措施概述。

Ø mainstay:中流砥柱



To begin with, the popularity of the automobile leads to the decreasing number of bicyclists. In the past, due to technological limitations, the automobile industry had difficulty in mass production and cost cutting, so bicycles became the first choice for people to travel. But the car industry has become very mature at present, with the price being more moderate and the loans provided for car purchase, which makes many people can afford to choose a faster and more comfortable car as the first choice of transportation. Another reason is the expansion of the urban area. Urban development will inevitably increase the size of cities, and bicycle is not suitable for long-distance travel due to its restrictions in application, so more people will more likely to choose fast public transportation to replace bicycles in order to improve their work and life efficiency. The third reason is related to safety. As motorized vehicles prevail, cycling on roads can be easily affected by traffic, and many places do not have dedicated bike lanes, which leads many people to abandon cycling for safety concerns.


Ø 原因有三:1. 汽车数量的增加;2. 城市规模的扩大,使得自行车不适合长途通勤;3. 出于安全考虑,很多人不会选择骑自行车。

Ø automobile:汽车

Ø mass production:量产

Ø motorized:机动的

Ø prevail:盛行

Ø dedicated:专用的



Although bicycles are no longer suitable for the pace of modern society in terms of travel efficiency, they are still an excellent choice, especially from a health and environmental-protection perspective. Some social groups can promote the benefits of cycling for commuters who lack exercise. Besides, the government could introduce policies to restrict travel by car to encourage low-carbon one, and pave bicycle lanes to ease people's worries and ensure safe cycling. Finally, everyone needs to take the initiative to choose bicycle travel according to their own situation and avoid unnecessary motorized travel.


Ø 解决方案:1. 社会团体的宣传;2. 政府政策的约束;3. 个人根据实际尽量选择自行车出行。

Ø take the initiative:着手,采取行动



In conclusion, although bicycling has lost its dominance, it is still a good sport or recreational activity for all people and is worth promoting.


Ø 总结:尽管自行车不复往日风,但出于健康和环保的考虑,需要鼓励大家骑车出行。

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