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小析雅思阅读选段意题—List of Headings

2013-03-19 17:42     作者 : 吴月霞    


  选段意题(List of Headings)是雅思阅读五大题型之一,所占比重较大,很多考生觉得很难,需要读很多段落,在阅读篇幅较长、时间紧张的情况下,学生很容易产生焦躁情绪,于是乎选段意的题目成为很多学生眼中的烫山芋,费力还不讨好。但是,这种题真的这么难解决吗?


  选段意不要急着去读段落,而是先把选项中的各个标题给分析透彻。原因很简单,如果先读段落再总结段意,一是自己很难一下子抓住该段所有内容,二是即使自己辛辛苦苦地分析清楚了,总结出一个段意,回到选项中去找的时候不能立即对应上(尤其当选项为“抽象”总结时)。例如,下段(选自剑6 Test 2 Reading 1)

  In fact, Newman believes the main reason for adopting one sort of transport over another is politics:"the more democratic the process, the more public transport is favored."He considers Portland, Oregon, a perfect example of this. Some years ago, federal money was granted to build a new road. However, local pressure groups forced a referendum over whether to spend the money on light rail instead. The rail proposal won and the railway worked spectacularly well. In the years that have followed, more and more rail systems have been put in, dramatically changing the nature of the city. Newman notes that Portland has about the same population as Perth and had a similar population density at the time.

  List of Headings

  i. Avoiding an overcrowded centre

  ii. A successful exercise in people power

  iii. The benefits of working together in cities

  iv. Higher incomes need not mean more cars

  v. Economic arguments fail to persuade

  vi. The impact of telecommunications on population distribution

  vii. Increases in travelling time

  viii. Responding to arguments against public transport

  该段比较长,仅首句、二句读了之后有点不知所以然,下面讲了一件具体的事情,但是回过头来对选项,不易与"A successful exercise in people power"直接对应起来,"successful exercise"与"people power"都是一个抽象总结。


  List of Headings

  i. Avoiding an overcrowded centre

  ii. A successful exercise in people power

  iii. The benefits of working together in cities

  iv. Higher incomes need not mean more cars

  v. Economic arguments fail to persuade

  vi. The impact of telecommunications on population distribution

  vii. Increases in travelling time

  viii. Responding to arguments against public transport

  A successful exercise in people power 该选项中people power 人民的力量,exercise为延伸义,实施、试验,可替换为example,猜测原文可能对应具体的事情或者做法。同样,第三项中的benefit也是抽象总结,文中可能描述具体的benefit是什么;第六项中的impact也是类似的道理,都是虚词,猜测原文应该出现具体的影响是什么。各个选项就不一一分析了。


  "In fact, Newman believes the main reason for adopting one sort of transport over another is politics:" the more democratic the process, the more public transport is favored."这里有两个关键词,如果抓到了,就很容易对应上了。即使不认识第二个词,相信politics大家都看得懂。而且下文"He considers Portland, Oregon, a perfect example of this."显然是举例论证首二句,因此没必要再细看这个例子。分析过的选项里跟"politics"能沾边的为第二项中的"people power",然后往下文扫一下,印证有无出现"successful exercise"这个意思,"The rail proposal won and the railway worked spectacularly well." 中间的副词spectacularly 如果不认识可以跳过去,程度副词去掉不影响主要意思,"rail proposal""worked well",印证"successful exercise"因此可以确定答案为第二项。

  所以,做List of Headings题要首先将选项分析透,然后读文章,利用“找对应、找印证”的方法来解题,正确率大大提高。但是多数同学都急于先看文章,不能沉下心来分析选项,反而事倍功半。俗话说,磨刀不误砍柴工,何必“费力不讨好”呢!

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