如果大家想要一边哈哈哈哈哈哈一边进行英语的听力测试的话,不妨考虑一下英国comedian喜剧演员Michael Mcintyre(语速极其之快)。他的喜剧功力可谓是炉火纯青,包袱一个接一个,最后还可以自然地甩出包袱大串联,让全场观众笑的前仰后合。 谁曾想,7月的考官们居然成为了笑话的忠实粉丝,时不时地灵魂发问‘Are you good at telling jokes?’,不禁让参加考试的同学们面上浮起尴尬而礼貌的微笑,并说出了一句‘no’。 那么和joke(n.)意义相当的英语有哪些呢? Ø Joke: a display of humour in which words are used within a specific and well-defined narrative structure to make people laugh. 笑话 Ø Wit: the ability to say or write things that are clever and usually funny.机智: 小聪明 Ø Witticism: a form of intelligent humour.俏皮话 Ø Humour: the tendency of particular cognitive experiences to provoke laughter and provide amusement.诙谐;幽默 那么和joke相关的词组有哪些呢? Ø Joke teller说笑话的人 Ø practical joke恶作剧 Ø crack a joke开玩笑 Ø beyond a joke[口语]并非戏言;需要严肃对待的事 Ø bad joke冷笑话 Ø play a joke on戏弄某人;对…恶作剧;开…的玩笑 那么,我们在考官开始开玩笑的时候可以这样回答: 1. Are you good at telling jokes? Actually, I don't think I am, but my friends often burst into laughter when speaking to me. Then, well, I can be considered a good joke teller. 其实我不认为我是,但是我的朋友们在和我说话时经常哄堂大笑。好吧,那我可以算是个会讲笑话的人。 2. Do you friends like to tell jokes? Yes, especially one of them, he always wanna show his humour to us. However, I have to say, he is not a good teller: the jokes he told are usually awful, u know, that kind of bad joke. Well, i mean, if a joke need to be explained why it is funny, the joke is not a joke anymore. 是的,尤其是其中之一,他总是想向我们展示他的幽默。但是,我必须承认,他说笑话不怎么好玩:他讲的笑话都很糟糕,你知道,那种冷笑话。而且我觉得,如果一个笑话还要解释一下,那么这个笑话就失去了意义。 3. Do you like to watch comedies? Absolutely yes. The star in my childhood was Mr. Bean, and he was really funny due to his gestures or expressions. And recently I have been a fan of Michael Mcintyre - the British comedian, he is quite interesting and very talented. His laughter is very close to the local culture, - ye he often goes to different countries to give talk shows, and I’m looking forward what he would say if he could give a show in China. 喜欢。我小时候的明星是憨豆先生,他的手势或表情真的是太有趣了。最近,我一直很喜欢英国喜剧演员迈克尔·麦金太尔(Michael Mcintyre),他很有趣,也很有才华。他经常去不同的国家而且他的笑点可以和当地文化接轨,我超很期待他在中国的脱口秀的表演(如果有的话)。 4. Have you ever watched a live show? Sadly, i haven’t watched any of it. Before, comedy was not developed well in China so that comedy performances were not as popular as they are now. I had to watch them on TV. However, Nanjing already has a cross-talk Deyun club branch. I am going to buy a ticket and listen to the live performance. 在之前,中国的喜剧发展并不是那么的好,喜剧表演不像现在那么流行,我得从电视上看。不过南京已经有了相声德云社分社了,我准备最近去买票听一听现场的表演。 话说回来,小编我还是真的很想去听一次阿金卡卡(Michael Mcintyre先生的b站艺名)的英国live show呢(顺便去看看9 3/4车站嘻嘻)。