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留学校友宣传 | 专注建设无障碍交通十年,雷诺集团首席社会责任官François Rouvier致力打造美好世界

2023-03-27 17:17     作者 :    


  Alumni Stories - CSR


  We are pleased to present the first 3 videos in our new series on the committed careers of our graduates. Find out what they have to say about change and how their commitment is reflected in their career paths.


  Carrières engagées 3/3  - François Rouvier

  In this latest episode, François Rouvier (MBA 1987), Renault Group's Social Business Expert Leader, presents his daily commitment to developing sustainable and accessible mobility solutions for those who need them most.

  在一期节目中,雷诺集团首席社会责任官François Rouvier (法国里昂商学院1987届MBA校友) 介绍了他多年来致力于为需要帮助的人们开发可持续、无障碍出行方式的经历。

  Hello, I'm François Bouvier, got a Cesma (today MBA) at emlyon in 1987. I have been in the Renault group in the Sustainable Development Department for 10 years. I am an Expert Leader Social Business and therefore I develop impact business projects around mobility of course.

  大家好,我是François Bouvier,1987年于法国里昂商学院获得Cesma学位 (现在的MBA)。我已经在雷诺集团的可持续发展部门工作了10年,现担任首席社会责任官,我负责开发围绕交通展开的具有商业影响力的项目。


  What does your professional commitment mean today?


  My commitment in my professional career is really a daily commitment, so much so that it is now almost as much personal as professional. It is really a commitment to ensure that our large companies, at least mine, contribute to reducing poverty by providing mobility solutions to those who need it most, and to those who are the most fragile, mobility is fundamental for access to a job, so our mission, my mission, on a daily basis is to work on accessible mobility proposals.



  What do you remember from your time at emylon?


  How did my time at emlyon influence my career path? I don't think it influenced my commitment, except on the question of entrepreneurship because I think I really developed the spirit of enterprise and business creation at emlyon, Apart from that, at the time, CSR and sustainable development issues were not even embryonic in the 1980s. On the other hand, emlyon gave me the marketing and business tools to be able to develop and create intrapreneurial projects at Renault, with innovative economic models.



  What is your best memory in emlyon?


  So first of all, I can't fail to say that the best memory for me is having met my wife of course, my wife who is still my wife. For the second, I met my first company, Michelin, at a forum and then, more anecdotally, we took part, as a team, in a challenge on innovation, and we won this challenge, so we had experienced extraordinary things. The challenge was sponsored by 3M, and we were invited to the United States by 3M for a week, which was a different time and a different way of life, but it was quite wonderful and we experienced some very beautiful things.



  A message for today's emlyon students?


  So I have a little message for the students, which is first of all to dare and to accelerate. You are legitimate today, we all are, to carry this voice of sustainable development and social impact, because sustainable development is of course ecological but it is also social and with the mission of emlyon carried by Isabelle Huault, we can see that we need to achieve both at the same time, and you are legitimate to do this wherever you are in all the companies in which you will work, so my message is to dare and accelerate, we may have been pioneers, but you must be accelerators and transformers.

  我对学生们有一个小小的忠告,那就是要勇敢,要毫不畏惧地加速冲刺。可持续发展当然是一个生态问题,但它更是社会性的问题。如今,校长Isabelle Huault女士官宣可持续发展是emlyon的使命,你们和我们更应该一起号召可持续发展和社会影响力。同时实现这两个目标并非易事,因此无论你在哪里,甚至是在你下一家就职的公司,你都可以这样做。所以我留给大家的诤言,是要勇敢,要加速,我们可以做开创一切的先驱,但你必须也是加速者和变革者。


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