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2019-05-28 15:04     作者 :    



  2019年5月18日 独立写作题目

  “Doing which activity do you think can help you strengthen the friendship between you and your friend?”

  1、having a good time together with your friend;【大家在一起时,开心的那种感受】

  2、solving your friend's problem with him or her.【解决朋友的毛病(不是困难)】



  简洁快速的开头【永远先说自己抛弃的那个选项】It may be thought that a true friendship should be able to endure one friend’s criticism to the other. It is also thought that friends should have a good time together. I am prone to have a friendship in which friends enjoy a pleasant time together, and I believe thepleasure strengthens the relationship.

  【需要解释的是:为什么大家在一起时感到开心的这种感受可以加强友谊:】 When people seek friends, they seek companions, and when a friendship is wanted, company is wanted. No one would deny that this is an experience of pursuing happiness. Since happiness is the goal, what strengthens the relationship is that people feeldelighted when they are together. 【经典结构,道理两三句后例证开始】【注意内容的progression 和coherence:先说出“开心”】 For example, I have a ten-year friendship in which the friend and I are the mutual source of joy. 【再讨论“开心”背后是什么】 Behind the joy is our mutual approval. She may have some shortcomings, but I have never been bothered. Meanwhile, she shows greattolerance to my flaws. 【因为“开心”背后的因素——“认可”——是友谊延续和加强的“秘诀”】 Since the joy indicates that we accept each other and we are aware of the mutual fondness, 【所以“开心”可以增进友谊】the friendship has been sustained and the intimacy has been growing.

  【然后,形成“对比”:】 By contrast, before a friend’s flaw needs to be corrected, it must be the case that the other cannot stand the flaw. Since the friend cannot be accepted for who he or she is, the flaw will be a bug that constantly bothers the other. This isthe opposite of a true friendship, and the relationship, which isvulnerable to the intolerance, will soon capsize.

  【然后,另有一点,形成补充:】 In addition, friendship may be a rather simple idea. When two individuals are happy with other each’s company, they can be friends. The logic that ensues is therefore simple: the more delightful the time the two spend together, the stronger the friendship is. 【然后,同样需要“对比”:】 As for the kindhearted correction, that may be useful in a different level of relationship, such as kinship, teacher-student relationships, or employer-employee relationship, and is not desired in a friendship.

  At this point, it may be fair to conclude that a solid friendship is built on the simple happiness. Happiness is the key, even when the relationship needs to be firmer. Old-timers may feel obligated to tell a friend where the friend is wrong; however, their righteousness may be selfishness in nature or go too far.


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