今天看看怎么健好“体” 现在看看下面这个段落: 拆解如下: What else makes meeting in person the more effective way of communication? * 以问句开头,抛出疑问,自问自答。这是一个特别讨喜的段落句。 I remember my last week’s project meeting was a tremendous success, especially because it was after emailing failed. * 举例子的时候为什么一定要For example / For instance / Take xxx as an example呢?并不需要啊。 In the first place, we used email to exchange ideas; however, no one seemed to be truthful about what was in mind. Everyone was too cautious, hiding behind email as the shield, probably to avoid conflict. Since there was hardly anysubstantial progress as we were approaching the deadline, the discussion was moved to the office, where everyone wasphysically present and there was nowhere to hide. We were all changed people (apparently it took a few rounds of slow discussion): we spoke our minds and were quite productive. * 举例子的时候,切忌过分口头化的措辞,毕竟我们还是在用文字写作文呢。1)典型说来就是关键性的用来评价的形容词是要讲究的。2)一个段落里总需要设计一个长句。 很明显,举例是写主体部分段落的关键。 再看一个举例的段落,和上面的那个段落有所不同: 现在看看下面这个段落: 拆解如下: When I consider a candidate for the partnership of my business, I find that whom the candidate mingles with provide the clue. The individual is less likely to be friends with people who have no business ambitions or desire for financial success than to be friends with people who share or relate to his aspiration. As I learn about the whole group’s economic pursuit, I learn about the target person’s business goal. * 竟然,段落一开始就是一个例子,没有上来先用一句话简述道理么?没有。 This is analogous to how we know whether we have found the right romance. A frugal one, seeking the suitable romantic relationship, may pass over a candidate when he or she sees the candidate’s friends all living life in a lavish style, because the candidate is considered most likely to live the same luxurious life, based on the common belief that people gather for their similarity. * 竟然在段落里还有一个例子?对的,完全可以再一个段落里写两个例子(但是两个例子要讲述同一个道理)。 * 尤其需要注意连接前后两个例子的那句话:This (指代上一个例子) is analogous to (引出下一个例子) how we know whether we have found the right romance. The conclusion is clear: knowing one leads to knowing others, and, more importantly, vice versa. * 段落结尾处用总结的方式把道理说一下,“没头”就要“有尾”。 「组合拳」第二招学会。 你可以期待写作30分了。