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2012-01-19 00:00     作者 :    


1. 講生物的2個階段,怎麼改善土地之流
第1段:任何ecosystem都有生物組成的輪換 (turn) 每種組成都有不同stage 然後都在它們最後一個stage達到climax (有題)。
第2段:個階段從一片荒蕪之中(severe=extreme condition有題) [高或低溫,土地不存儲水,大風?] 勇敢生長出來的是pioneer plants,此物可抵抗一切不良條件。之後他們用他們的根改善土壤條件,然後死了之後又成為有機養料(organic material)。有了這些植物之後會有昆蟲、小動物來吃他們。鳥會來吃蟲子。於是最後達到climax。
第3段:此時,撿便宜的subsequent植物出現鳥,他們往往是高大的植物(比如某berry),通過來覓食的鳥的糞便中留下種子。他們生長起來之後,通過葉子產生大量shadow,然後讓樓下的暗無天日,於是長江後浪推前浪,先鋒植物死光光。之後樓下就會生成一堆無陽光也能活的小植物出來。到達stage 2的climax了。
第4段:以沙丘(sand dune)來舉例,沙丘不僅是不毛之地(旱 溫差大),還經常打滾,一打滾就把東西全埋進去了。(這裏還提到它們離海往往還很近,忘了是要說啥,然後還有題,問為啥要提離水近) 突然有種無比牛x的草,被埋進去也死不掉,根還特別長,於是就把沙丘固定住了。後面就像上面所說各種後續植物生出來。
Ecological Succession 生態演替。
托福閱讀真題題源:Ecological succession 生態演替
Ecological succession
The structure of communities is constantly changing. All communities are subject to periodic disturbances, ranging from events that have only localized effects, such as the loss of a tree that creates a gap in the canopy of a forest, to those that have catastrophic consequences, which include wildfires that sweep across vast landscapes or storms that pound immense stretches of shoreline. Each new disturbance within a landscape creates an opportunity for a new species to colonize that region. New species also alter the character of the community, creating an environment that is suitable to even newer species. By this process, known as ecological succession, the structure of the community evolves over time.
Types of succession
Two different types of succession, primary and secondary, have been distinguished. Primary succession occurs in essentially lifeless areas—regions in which the soil is incapable of sustaining life as a result of such factors as lava flows, newly formed sand dunes, or rocks left from a retreating glacier. Secondary succession occurs in areas where a community that previously existed has been removed; it is typified by smaller-scale disturbances that do not eliminate all life and nutrients from the environment. Events such as a fire that sweeps across a grassland or a storm that uproots trees within a forest create patches of habitat that are colonized by early successional species. Depending on the extent of the disturbance, some species may survive, other species may be recolonized from nearby habitats, and others may actually be released from a dormant condition by the disturbance. For example, many plant species in fire-prone environments have seeds that remain dormant within the soil until the heat of a fire stimulates them to germinate.
The process of succession
Primary and secondary succession both create a continually changing mix of species within communities as disturbances of different intensities, sizes, and frequencies alter the landscape. The sequential progression of species during succession, however, is not random. At every stage certain species have evolved life histories to exploit the particular conditions of the community. This situation imposes a partially predictable sequence of change in the species composition of communities during succession. Initially only a small number of species from surrounding habitats are capable of thriving in a disturbed habitat. As new plant species take hold, they modify the habitat by altering such things as the amount of shade on the ground or the mineral composition of the soil. These changes allow other species that are better suited to this modified habitat to succeed the old species. These newer species are superseded, in turn, by still newer species. A similar succession of animal species occurs, and interactions between plants, animals, and environment influence the pattern and rate of successional change.
In ecology, the final stage of biotic succession attainable by a plant community in an area under the environmental conditions present at a particular time. For example, cleared forests in the eastern United States progress from fields, to old fields (with colonizing trees and shrubs), to forests of these early colonists, and finally to climax communities of longer-lived tree species. The species composition of the climax community remains the same because all the species present successfully reproduce themselves and invading species fail to gain a foothold. Because climatic changes, ecological processes, and evolutionary processes cause changes in the environment over very long periods of time, the climax stage is not completely permanent.  
2. Art Reformation and Influence
主要講了19世紀的藝術**,藝術家們要求藝術重返自然和本體。他們在繪畫,建築等各個方面充分反映著自己的藝術訴求。他們鄙視現代報紙和廣告,認為他們不是藝術(考點,藝術家不幹什麼)。一個加拿大女人從小受到藝術教育,主要是waving,在藝術**的浪潮中受到薰陶。看過一次藝術展覽後,受到啟發,(插入題,this event nostalgia ……)她決定辦藝術工廠,雇傭中產階級在家賦閑婦女,解決她們的經濟困難。(考點,她辦工廠的原因)後來她發現其實很多有錢人不在乎慈善,他們買藝術品只是為了顯擺品味,於是她開了Women Exchange,這樣裏面的女工可以生產各種各樣的藝術品,不只是紡織品。(考點,她開的兩種工廠有什麼不同)之後的世界大戰和1920大蕭條造成了更多賦閑婦女,於是她開了更多工廠,遍佈全國。(考點,為什麼提大戰和蕭條)她把各地的產品集中船運到紐約的店鋪來賣。(考點,我們可以從她的其他工廠的運行方式中推測出……)
辭彙題 conceived = imagined;echoed — imitated
美國近代中產階級女性的手工手藝發展(大概)。剛開始講美國近代art受到雅典和哪邊的室內設計的影響,提到無機建築和有機建築的對比。然後講有個叫wheels的女人,因為看到很多中產階級女性放不下身段去做下等人的活兒,但因為civil war或者其他戰爭,變成寡婦或者blabla,遇到了經濟困難,需要養活自己。於是wheels同學就創辦了一個招收受過教育的中產階級女人做類似女紅一類的活兒和一些art的東西的學校叫SDA(縮寫,全稱忘記了),東西運往NY銷得不錯(有題問imply了什麼,我選了這種art在當地沒有受到支持)。接著她發現SDA有些局限,少了一些對其他art的關注,於是她貌似又在某地開了個另外的學校作坊,專注於……。
3. Amphibian Decline
辭彙題 separate — break up;seek — look for


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