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GRE阅读 | 破解GRE阅读理解系列(十)

2020-06-24 15:13     作者 :    





The sweep of narrative in A. N. Wilson’s biography of C. S. Lewis isimpressive and there is much that is acute and well argued.But much in this work is careless and unworthy of its author. Wilson, a novelist and an accomplished biographer, has failed to do what any writer on such a subject as Lewis ought to do, namely work out a coherent view of how the various literary works by the subject are to be described and commented on. Decisions have to be made on what to look at in detail and what to pass by with just a mention. Wilson has not thought this problem out. For instance,Till We Have Faces, Lewis’ treatment of the Eros and Psyche story and one of his best-executed and most moving works, is merely mentioned by Wilson, though it illuminates Lewis’ spiritual development, whereas Lewis’ minor work Pilgrim’s Regress is looked at in considerable detail.


* 先宏观评价:carelessunworthy

* 再略具体:has failed to do something

* 再更具体:那个something是什么,是 a coherent view

* 再进一步具体:what to look at in detail和 what to pass by with just a mention

* 最后到体,就是举例:For instance,instance中回应了上面的两个点。

The author of the passage implies that Wilson’s examination of Pilgrim’s Regress(推断题)

(A) is not as coherent as his treatment of Till We Have Faces (偷换概念。)

(B) would have been more appropriate in a separate treatise because of the scope of Pilgrim’s Regress (文中嫌弃了“coherent不够”这个情况,怎么会“more appropriate in a separate treatise”?)

(C) demonstrates how Wilson’s narrow focus ignores the general themes of Lewis’ works (文中的意思是focus错了,而不是focus局限。)

(D) was more extensive than warranted【“该有的”】 because of the relative unimportance of Pilgrim’s Regress

(E) was disproportionately long relative to the amount of effort Lewis devoted to writing Pilgrim’s Regress (文中未提及。)

The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding Till We Have Faces? (推断题)

(A) It is an improvement over the Eros and Psyche story on which it【it指代Till We Have Faces】 is based. (文中未提及。)

(B) It 【it指代Till We Have Faces】 illustrated Lewis’ attempt to involve his readers emotionally in the story of Eros and Psyche. (文中未提及。)

(C) It was more highly regarded by Wilson than by Lewis himself. (恰恰相反。)

(D) It is one of the outstanding literary achievements of Lewis’ career. (文中的依据是:one of his best-executed and most moving works。)

(E) It is probably one of the most popular of Lewis’ works. (偷换概念。文中提及的best-executed and most moving并不能等同于popular。)

Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage? (结构题:不考核细节解读的能力,而考核真题把握的能力)(看到文章后我们立刻做的文脉梳理了么?就是答这道题的依据。)

(A) An evaluation is made, and aspects of the evaluation are expanded on with supporting evidence.

(B) A theory is proposed, and supporting examples are provided.

(C) A position is examined, analyzed, and rejected.

(D) A contradiction is described, then the points of contention are evaluated and reconciled.

(E) Opposing views are presented and evaluated, then modifications are advocated.

Which of the following best describes the content of the passage?(主旨题:不考核细节解读的能力,而考核真题把握的能力,考核点类似于结构题。)

(A) A critique of A. N. Wilson as a biographer (偷换概念。文中没有对Wilson as a biographer的宏观的批评。仅仅是批评了a biography。)

(B) An evaluation of the significance of several works by C. S. Lewis

(C) An appraisal of a biography by A. N. Wilson

(D) A ranking of the elements necessary for a well-structured biography

(E) A proposal for evaluating the literary merits of the works of C. S. Lewis

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