随话说,“门门通,门门松!”你知道这类人如何用英语表达吗?“pancake people”就是指的这些人。现在社会人与人之间的交流越来越多,大家都想能够迎合众人的话题,对自己的知识面的宽度进行了一定的拓展!但是,从深度上,我们却忽略了太多内容,一不小心做了“pancake people”!
With the development of the Internet and other sources of instantaneous information, many people strive to gain at least a working knowledge of many different subjects. They are so-called “pancake people”, they no longer concentrate their energies on one area of interest, but instead choose to spread themselves thinly over a large area. As a result, a new generation of pancake people have essentially become the proverbial jacks of all trades, but masters of none.
The term “pancake people” is largely seen as a negative commentary on the current age of instantaneous information. The ability to access even the most obscure information in a matter of seconds may be seen as a positive social development on one level, but it can also cause some people to become less inclined to delve more deeply into one particular subject of interest. As a result, a generation of overloaded pancake people may become more obsessed with popular culture and less interested in the larger arc of human history.