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新词“open-collar worker”

2012-03-13 17:23     作者 :    




An  open-collar worker  refers to a person who does jobs at home that once required an office setting.

Home-based entrepreneurship is attracting growing numbers of recruits to its ranks. These "open-collar workers" come from a variety of backgrounds: lifelong entrepreneurs, homemakers, downsized workers, graduate students, stay-at-home parents, homebound disabled people and retirees. But their goals are similar: to be their own bosses, work flexible hours and devote their efforts to projects they love.



你是蓝领工人还是白领达人呢? 众所周知,一般情况下我们口中的蓝领都是付出体力劳动相对偏多的人群;而白领呢,一般住在写字楼工作,需要大量脑力劳动的人群。但除了这“两种颜色”的人群之外,还有一种颜色——绿领工人!下面我们就一起来看看“绿领工人”这个新词语吧。

A green-collar worker is a worker who is employed in the environmental sectors of the economy. Environmental green-collar workers (or green jobs) satisfy the demand for green development. Generally, they implement environmentally conscious design, policy, and technology to improve conservation and sustainability.

Green collar workers include professionals such as environmental consultants, environmental or biological systems engineers, green building architects, solar energy and wind energy engineers and installers, green vehicle engineers, "green business" owners, and so on.


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