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name your poison 跟“毒药”没有关系哦……

2023-03-17 16:18     作者 :    


  name your poison


  used to ask what type of alcoholic drink someone would like 用于询问想喝的酒,你想喝什么?

  这是一种幽默表达,另一种问别人想喝什么酒也可以说成 What's your poison?

  name 相关的其他表达

  name the day 确定婚期

  eg. When are you going to name the day?


  name and shame 公开指责

  eg. The report names and shames companies that are not doing enough to fight industrial pollution.这篇报道公开抨击那些未尽力制止工业污染的公司。

  name names 供出(参与秘密或非法行动者的)姓名

  eg. He said he knew who did it, but he wouldn't name names.

  name-calling 辱骂,骂人

  eg. playground teasing including name-calling

  name-dropper 喜欢提及相识的名人(来抬高自己身价)的人

  eg. He admits to being a terrible name-dropper.

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