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2020-11-03 15:31   作者:陈小梅   阅读量:

  Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should first describe the drawing, then interpret its meaning, and give your comment on it.You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)





  三个儿子,一个女儿,一个父亲---three sons, a daughter, a father;四个守门员,一个球---four gatekeepers, a ball;从图片中可以看出,四个孩子所充当的守门员并不想让球,即他们的老父亲,进入自己的球门。




  【描述图片】In the picture, a special football game is going on [定语从句,修饰football game]where four siblings兄弟姐妹 as gatekeepers are trying hard [动词不定式做宾语]to keep the ball, [同位语]their old father, out of their gates, [定语从句,修饰gates]which represent their own home. 【寓意】It discloses揭露 a strange social phenomenon in contemporary当代的 Chinese society[同位语从句,解释phenomenon 的具体内容] that adult children shirk responsibility for推卸对…的责任 their aging parents.

  【寓意】Such deeds行为 reflect the decline下降 of the traditional virtue美德 of filial piety孝顺. [动名词做主语]Respecting the old and caring for the young has been among the most [过去分词做前置定语]cherished被珍惜的 virtues since antient times in China. 【分析问题背后的原因】However, [时间状语从句]as the society has grown more money-oriented金钱至上的 and people more self-interested自私的, this virtue gets eroded腐蚀along with distortion扭曲 of ethical morality伦理道德. 【问题导致的后果】How could one [形容词结构做后置定语]callous麻木不仁的 to his parents expect to be well-treated by his children [时间状语从句]when he grows old? How could it be possible for one [动词不定式做主语,it是形式主语]to help other old people [条件状语从句]if he even disregards漠不关心 his own aging parents? The society will be threatened威胁 to be unstable不稳定的 [条件状语从句]if families, [同位语]the basic units of a society, are not harmonious.

  【承上启下】How can we change this unhealthy social ethos风气? 【解决方案】We should vigorously大力地 advocate the traditional virtues [介词结构做后置定语]of honoring parents and respecting the old and caring for the young in society. We need the power of ethical道德的 persuasion劝说 [动词不定式做目的状语]to encourage the young [动词不定式做宾补]to feed the material and spiritual needs满足物质和精神需求 of the elderly. Furthermore, those [定语从句]who fail to support their elderly parents should be punished by law as well as condemned谴责 by morality. These efforts are all prerequisites前提条件 for building a harmonious society [定语从句]in which senior citizens are looked after properly.


  1. 回应题目的要求:描述图片,寓意,评价(原因+后果+解决方案)

  2. 逻辑衔接(介词短语,句型,抽象名词以及表示并列或转折的副词)In the picture, …It discloses a strange social phenomenon that…Deed, virtue, social ethos, prerequisites, efforts; however, furthermore

  3. 语法点(从句,同位现象,非谓语)定语从句,同位语从句,状语从句(时间状语从句,条件状语从句等)非谓语:动词不定式,动名词,分词

  4. 必备词汇siblings兄弟姐妹     discloses揭露contemporary当代的     shirk responsibility for推卸对…的责任deed行为     decline下降   virtue美德     filial piety孝顺cherish珍惜     money-oriented金钱至上的self-interested自私的     erode腐蚀ethical morality伦理道德     distortion扭曲callous麻木不仁的     disregard漠不关心threaten威胁     unstable不稳定的vigorously大力地     persuasion劝说feed the material and spiritual needs满足精神和物质需求condemn谴责     prerequisite前提条件

