废奴运动(abolition of slavery)始于1688年,而SAT文章主要历史背景则放在19世纪的黑奴解放以及20世纪的黑人民权运动。
2018年5月北美卷考察了废奴运动中的两个重要事件《密苏里妥协案》(Missouri Compromise)和《堪萨斯-内布拉斯加法案》(Kansas-Nebraska Act)。
Passage 1 is adapted from a speech delivered in 1854 by Stephen Douglas, “Defense of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill.” In 1854, Douglas, a senator from Illinois, proposed a bill allowing voters in the new territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide whether slavery should be permitted there. When enacted, the bill would effectively repeal the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which prohibited slavery in these territories.
Passage 2 is adapted from a speech delivered in 1856 by Charles Sumner, “The Crime against Kansas.” Sumner was a senator from Massachusetts.
《密苏里妥协案》是19世纪国会为缓解奴隶制问题做出的次重大尝试。1820年的《密苏里妥协案》试图解决是否允许奴隶制在新领土上存在的问题。作为协议的一部分,缅因州将被承认为一个自由州(free state),密苏里州将被承认为一个蓄奴州(slave state),从而保持平衡。除了密苏里州,该法案还禁止了北纬36度30分以北地区的奴隶制。但是,它没有解决根本问题。该法案生效后,蓄奴州和自由州仍然保留着根深蒂固的信仰,南北对峙依旧存在,需要几十年的时间甚至是一场战争才能解决。
《密苏里妥协案》最终于1854年被《堪萨斯-内布拉斯加法案》(Kansas-Nebraska Act)废除,该法案本身也是为解决奴隶制的紧张局势而制定的妥协方案,结果却适得其反。该法案废除了奴隶制不能延伸至北纬30度以北的条款。该法案建立了堪萨斯和内布拉斯加州的领土,并允许每个领土的人口决定是否允许奴隶制。这导致堪萨斯针对奴隶制的暴力事件增加,并使全国各地的立场变得更加强硬。
提出该法案的就是Passage1的演讲者Stephen Douglas,他认为应该抛弃对《密苏里妥协案》的吹毛求疵,问题很简单,就是是否应该允许人们在奴隶制问题上立法。“Let all this quibbling about the Missouri Compromise, about the territory acquired from France, about the act of 1820, be cast behind you; for the simple question is- Will you allow people to legislate for themselves upon the subject of slavery?”而Passage2的演讲者则认为K-N bill是个骗局(swindle), 是南方对北方的骗局。维护的是既得利益者-奴隶主的权利。K-N表面上给予某些州公民权利的扩大,实则他们的独立自主权被限制。“Amid overflowing professions of regard for the sovereignty of the People in the Territory, they were despoiled of every essential privilege of sovereignty.”