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2014-05-29 09:42     作者 : 王妍    




就比如剑五(Test2 Passage3)的摘要题中有这样一空:“… it developed again in the 19th century as a direct result of the _____.”题目中没有生僻词汇,通过特殊词“19th century”也可以轻松找到原文“However, in the 19th century again enjoyed substantial lexical growth as the industrial revolution created the need for new technical vocabulary, and new, specialized, professional societies were institute to promote and publish in the new discipline.”从题目判断,我们需要的是一个名词或名词性短语,然而原文中的这句话里包含了不止一个这样的表达——“substantial lexical growth”, “industrial revolution”, “new technical vocabulary”, “professional societies”和 “new discipline”。五个备选答案中或多或少有生词出现,蒙的命中率只有20%。这时,如果大家能够准确把握关系词,很容易就可以确定正确答案。再看题目,试用空前表示因果关系的词“as a direct result of”在原句中定位,“However, in the 19th century again enjoyed substantial lexical growth as the industrial revolution created the need for new technical vocabulary, and new, specialized, professional societies were institute to promote and publish in the new discipline.”会看到引导原因状语从句的as,那么从句中的主语“industrial revolution”就是的正确答案。


从上面的题目我们应该能体会到,读懂每一个单词不是做对题目的途径,把握句子内部的逻辑关系也很重要,这也是雅思阅读考试重点考察的能力之一。这种考察在剑四到剑九的真题中都多有体现。再如剑八(Test2 Passage3)完成句子中的一题“Certain linguistic groups may have difficulty describing smell because they lack the appropriate ____.”我们用“have difficulty describing”和关系词“because”在文中定位,“Odours, unlike colors, for instance, cannot be named in many languages because the specific vocabulary simply doesn’t exist.”答案就是because后的“specific vocabulary”。


以上的例子都是明显的因果关系,在实际考试中还用很多同样重要的高分关系词可以帮我们定位答案:隐性因果关系rely on,in view of,prompt,reflect,considering;比较关系…比较级+ than,the same as,比较级+than any other…;否定关系fail to,lack,be free of…等。善用这些关系词,对于文章理解和匮乏的词汇量都是有益的补充,可以短期显著地提高阅读效果,雅思阅读拿高分不再是难题。

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