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那些与电影相关的英语——Becoming Jane

2012-10-23 14:25     作者 :    


  《Becoming Jane》这部电影让我觉得挺受益的,特别是是从英文方面用词的华丽和谨慎。下面我就说说why I am so impressed by this kind of movie.

  当Jane为她的beloved sisiter Cassandra与Mr Fowl的订婚朗诵了reading.其中有这样一句话:His addresses were offered in a manner violent enough to be flattering(他的求爱炽热而近乎谄媚),impressing 了我,这体现了两人之间相恋的甜蜜。

  当Jane正在为大家reading时,handsome boy Lefroy闯了进来,在座的大家都议论了他的穿着:Vastly fashionable(非常流行).

  Reading中,Jane赞扬她的sister, her taste was refined, her sentimental noble, her person lovely, her figure elegant.(她拥有高雅的品味,高尚的情操,可爱的性格和妙曼的身躯),说明Cassandra的character是非常不错的。

  当Jane说到Cassandra reject另一位richman的求婚,而接受了家境一般般的Fowl, 她说了这样句话:A treasure greater than all the jewels in the world, an adoring heat(比起全世界的所有的珠宝加起来还要宝贵的,那就是一颗爱慕的心)。

  Canssandra对fowl 的爱也是如此热烈:A sweet, gentle, pleading, innoceng, delicate, sympathetic, loyal, untutored, adoring female heart(你那满怀少女爱慕之情的心啊,多么得甜美,温柔,欢愉,纯洁,敏感, 善良,诚实还有纯真),这句话充分能表明少女一颗为爱波动的心。

  在Jane读完文章之后,大家都称赞她的文章和朗读都非常好Excessively charming.But only Lefory barely sleep at her presence.so,Jane 对他印象多了几分偏见,而一向听惯了大家的称赞的她,遭到Lefory的deny之后,更加对Lefory看不惯了。

  当她们在森林里meet时,她很气愤对Lefory说了这样一句话,As if the writing of women did not display the greatest powers of mind(难道女子的作品就无法表现人类的伟大智慧),并指出Lefory是In consciousness(缺乏思想)的登徒浪子。后来Lefory说其实你的作品还不错(It was accomplish)。

  在一个party中,henry称赞跳舞的人时,说了这样一句话What a lovely pair they make(他们真登对),这句话也同样适用于口语中,称赞相恋的friends.

  Jane对Lefory存在很大的prejudice, 认为他Insolent, arrogant, impudent(傲慢,自大,轻佻);However, Lefory 认为Jane Consider yourself a cut above the company(认为自己高人一等)。

  后来,在彼此都存在prejudice的情况下,在一次偶尔的box比赛中,Lefory save a failing person, Jane 也改变了对他的看法,觉得他是个justice man.They all fell in love.

  Even though, 他们没能生活在一起,但是两人之间的memory也是非常珍贵的。

  I like Jane's novels. In Jane's short life, she wrote six of the greatest novels in the English language, Lefroy had a successful career as a lawyer, he named his eldest daughter Jane. Neither Jane nor her sister Cassandra ever married.

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