Joey had always tucked some money away to pay for college tuition,even though he didn't know what that word meant.But he had a tugging suspicion that someone would find his money tucked up next to the tub behind some old twigs and steal it.And so he gave the money to his brother,who tucked it in his drawer and said he would be a good trustee.
But his brothers' tyranny soon made Joey give the ultimatum to return the money or he would step on his turtle.His brother laughed and said he didn't care.Joey could pick all of his mom's tulips or break his dads favorite ultraviolet light and it wouldn't matter to him.Joey cried.Then he whirled through the house like a turbulent typhoon creating a turmoil that his brother would care about.Now he would get in trouble when Mom and Dad came home!
When it was twilight they came home.Their faces twitched when they saw all the turnover.Joey tumbled down the stairs and tucked his head in his mothers' arms crying that it was his brothers' fault.But nothing happened. Something was wrong with his parents.
"Dad has a tumor.”his mom said.“This thanksgiving will be the last time he eats turkey because the doctors say he'll die soon thereafter.”
Joey suddenly tumbled to comprehension and realized that he much more wanted his Daddy than his tuition money.He cried again.
trustee n.(财产、业务等的)受托人
tub n.1.桶,塑料杯,纸杯2.盆,洗澡盆,浴缸
tuck vi.1.把(衬衫、餐巾等)的边塞到下面(或里面)2.把…夹入,把…藏入n.(衣服等的)褶,裥
tuck away1.把…隐没在,把…藏起来2.大吃
tuck in1.痛快地吃2.给…盖好被子3.把…塞好
tuck up给…盖好被子
tug vi.1.用力拖(或拉)2.尽力,努力n.1.拖船2.猛拉,牵引
tuition n.1.(某一学科的)教学,讲授,指导2.学费
tulip n.郁金香
tumble vi.1.跌倒,摔下,滚下2.翻滚3.(价格等)暴跌4.不由自主地卷入n.跌倒,摔倒
tumble to(突然)明白,领悟
tumor n.肿瘤,肿块
turbulent a.1.动荡的,混乱的2.汹涌的,狂暴的
turkey n.火鸡,火鸡肉
turmoil n.骚动,混乱,动乱
turnover n.1.翻转(物),翻倒(物)2.营业额,成交量3.人员调整,人员更替率
turtle n.海龟,鳖,甲鱼
twig n.细枝,嫩枝
twilight n.1.暮光,黄昏
twitch vi.1.(使)抽搐,抽动
typhoon n.台风
tyranny n.1.暴虐,残暴,专横2.暴政,苛政,专制
ultimatum n.通牒
ultraviolet a.紫外(线)的